Saturday, April 11, 2015

DoggyDaddy's Dailies 4/12/15


All good things must come to an end, well, at least to a slowing down. The season is over, the links are few and far between and golf and my wife are looking for me.

I'll post when I can and will announce when I have something on facebook and the UConn Territory message board. I'm sure there will be recruiting info, USA games, AAU games, WNBA games to post about here and there that would interest UConn fans.

Thanks so much for reading. I hope you all had as much fun reading my blog as I did writing it during the season. It was a hell of a ride.



I watched the Wooden Award presentation and it was so much fun to watch Kaleena and Breana interact.

They showed a quick video with commentary for each nominee and after they had a camera on the 5 players. Kaleena stared at Breanna until Stewart finally looked at her. KML then nodded her head at Breanna as if to say, get up and get the award. As they announced Stewarts name, KML mouthed the words "Breanna Stewart" with the announcer. Hysterical.  



  1. Thanks for all your good work here DD...unique stuff.

  2. Thanks again DD for the great coverage all season of not only UConn but all of WCB.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
